Remember the Roches, the fresh young things who broke onto the folk scene in the late '70's? They haunted last remaining folk clubs of that era with a charming irony and a knowing feminism. C'mon, you remember how they'd open, "We are Maggie and Terri and Suzy..." Oh forget it. The bridge I'm building here is to sister acts and the Pointer Sisters don't get me where I'm going.
The Roches fooled around for one album with guitarist Robert Fripp, who sent a blippy, electronic pulse through the record that underscored the uncanny way that those sisters were wired together.
So that's how we get to Haim, three Los Angeles sisters who are making electro-folk that's infectious and joyful and once again demonstrates that there's something special about sister acts.
This is a wave that's still forming off-shore: a couple of EP's to their credit and a first album due at the end of September. They will be big.