Life is complicated and busy. Did you notice? Keeping up with the music, movies and books that fed your youthful imagination and conversations is harder than ever, but even more important. Here's the good news: there's never been more great new stuff. The challenge is to find it.

So here are my highly opinionated views on sounds, sights and words that will help you keep it fresh and real, and links to the veins where the richest motherlodes can be found.

Feed your head.
- JumpingFlashJack

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Coming Attractions - New Music from the XX

The XX's debut made my "best of" list in 2010 and has remained in heavy rotation on all my, how you say, devices.  (If you haven't listened to it, for God's sake stop right here and go find it now.) Since its release there have been echoes of their airy, but tuneful sound in tracks released by Jamie Smith (aka Jamie XX) or produced by him, most especially his remix of Gil Scott-Heron's I'm New Here (a 2011 "best of" JFJ pick).

But new music is coming.  See if Angels, from their forthcoming disk Coexist, will tide you over or make you an anxious convert.  This is beautiful music, quiet but deeply felt, soothing even though it's suffused with sadness.

Can't wait for more?  See what Jamie did to (for) Adele:

Or how the band transforms (which is to say renders nearly unrecognizable) a soul number like Womack and Womack's Teardrops:

Just for a sanity check, here's the original in all it's mid 80's glory:

See if the music of the XX isn't the perfect antidote to the heat.

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