Life is complicated and busy. Did you notice? Keeping up with the music, movies and books that fed your youthful imagination and conversations is harder than ever, but even more important. Here's the good news: there's never been more great new stuff. The challenge is to find it.

So here are my highly opinionated views on sounds, sights and words that will help you keep it fresh and real, and links to the veins where the richest motherlodes can be found.

Feed your head.
- JumpingFlashJack

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Cover Up

Sing Into My Mouth 
Iron & Wine and Ben Bridwell

Here in midsummer, we don't need things to be any more complicated than boiling corn.  The musical equivalent is surely the cover album. On this new release, Iron & Wine's Sam Beam and Band of Horses' Ben Bridwell pair beautifully and simply on some lesser known tunes.

Listen to them turn David Gilmour's "No Way Out of Here," into what sounds like an outtake from the Burrito's "The Gilded Palace of Sin."  

You get the idea.  Fire this up around sunset while these lazy days last.